Bouquet Subscription

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Bouquet Subscription

The Ultimate Gift! Why gift one Bouquet when you can gift many! Or why not treat yourself? 

Simply choose from a 3, 6 or 12 month subscription.

Just complete the info required on the order section and we will deliver a gorgeous Florist Choice Bouquet to the recipient for the time plan of your choosing. 

Select a delivery date for the initial delivery, and we will deliver on or around the same date each month thereafter.   

Choose which delivery option you would like, you only pay this once! Bargain! 

Please call us on (01408) 622754 if you'd like to arrange a monthly payment plan for the 12 month subscription. 


* Bouquet and arrangement variety will change from month to month - a different bouquet each month! 

This item requires 2 days notice to order.

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